Genetically Modified Crops; Crops Obtained Through the Use of Modern Biotechnology


Genetically Modified Crops Market

                                Genetically Modified Crops Market

The plants in which DNA has been modified using genetic engineering methods for agricultural purposes are called genetically modified crops or GM crops. GM crops are used in agriculture, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic engineering methods. To produce a GM plant, new DNA is transferred into plant cells. Cells are grown in tissue culture where they develop into plants. The seeds produced by these plants will inherit the new DNA. Genetically modified seeds are widely used in the agricultural industry.

They are designed to make the plant more resistant to rain, pests, drought, and various diseases. Genetically modified seeds are modified to contain specific characteristics such as resistance to herbicides or resistance to pests. The DNA of genetically modified crops has been modified using external genes. Genetic materials are also used to produce a new species. Genetically modified seeds help improve the yield of the crop, and thus, there is an increasing demand for genetically modified seeds over conventional seeds.

BT Brinjal, GM-Mustard, and Potato (protein-rich potato) are some examples of the Genetically Modified Crops Market. The GM crops grown commercially included potato, squash/pumpkin, alfalfa, aubergine, sugar beet, papaya, oilseed rape, maize (corn), soya beans, and cotton. Corn is the most commonly grown crop in the U.S., and most of it is GMO. In Germany, apart from the Amflora potato licensed for cultivation since March 2010, Bt-maize MON810 is the only GMO licensed for commercial cultivation (about 3,000 ha in 2008).

A genetically modified or transgenic crop is a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology. In the past, the Mexican Government has approved some 90 GMO corn varieties for import, among nearly 170 total approvals for GMO seeds including cotton and soybeans. Japan has not approved any commodity GM crops to be grown in Japan but does allow the import of agricultural products made from GM crops and food made of imported GM ingredients.


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