Blood Collection Tubes; Used To Collect Samples to Diagnose Blood Related Diseases


Blood Collection Tubes Market
                                                     Blood Collection Tubes Market

Blood collection tubes are sterilized glass or plastic tubes widely used to collect blood samples, serum samples, and urine samples of patients for the diagnosis of blood-related diseases. It is a plastic evacuated tube used for the collection of blood in order to prepare undiluted plasma for use in molecular diagnostic testing. EDTA tubes, plasma separation tubes, vacutainer blood collection tubes, serum separating tubes, and sodium heparin blood collection tubes are some of the commonly used blood collection tubes.

These tubes are used for the collection of samples to be analyzed for any number of diseases. For instance, EDTA is used for most hematology procedures, assessing complete blood count, preparing EDTA plasma, whole blood collection, and bone marrow specimens. Historically, EDTA has been recommended as the anticoagulant of choice for hematological testing because it allows the best preservation of cellular components and morphology of blood cells. This tube contains EDTA as an anticoagulant. These tubes are preferred for blood bank tests.

Most blood collection tubes are manufactured with an external insert called a catheter or an arterial tampon. These are made from either plastic or metal, to serve their specific purposes. Plastic Blood Collection Tubes Market are usually smaller and have a fine, narrow opening to collect a small amount of blood. A vacutainer blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic test tube with a colored rubber stopper creating a vacuum seal inside of the tube, facilitating the drawing of a predetermined volume of liquid.

Some tests require the use of serum, some require plasma, and other tests require anticoagulated whole blood. Thus, with the increase in prevalence of blood related diseases, the demand for blood collection tubes is also increasing. In December 2021, Q-Sera (Australia) announced a partnership with Terumo Corporation (Japan), which will see its patent protected RAPClot rapid serum tube technology manufactured and used in Japan.


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