Burn Care; is a treatment comprising of medicines, dressing of wound and surgery


Burn Care Market

A burn is a type of wound on the skin or on the other cells due to heat, electricity, friction, cold, chemicals, or UV rays such as sunburns. Most of the burns are because of scalding or fire. Burns can lead to self-harm or violence amongst people. Burns that affect only the upper skin is called superficial or first-degree burns. This pain takes at least three days to get healed. Second-degree burns take place when the injury spreads to the inner skin and forms blisters which are generally painful. When all the layers of the skin get affected it causes third-degree burns. Burn care can be done depending on the severity of the burns.

 Superficial burns can be controlled with normal pain relieving medicines, whereas main burns require enduring treatment in burn care centers. Cooling with water would assist in decreasing the damage and pain, however, enduring cooling may lead to low body temperature. Burn care after the half-thickness burns need cleansing with soap and water along with dressing may help in recovering soon. Full thick burns generally need surgery such as skin grafting which may help in burn care. The major side effect caused due to burning is infection. Most of the mortalities in the world occur due to burns.

 Several burns are related to burning injuries in people such as electrical, chemical and radiation heat. Burn Care can be detected by the depth of the burns. The depth of the burn injury can be detected by examining, or from a biopsy. Burn care can be done by prior cooling which decreases the burn depth and also the suffering however, can lead to hypothermia. The burn cases are high in Mexico and as per the report published by abstract.org, the yearly burn admission rate in Mexico was around 7.3 per 100,000 population. The hospitalization rate is high in Mexico associated to burn injuries 




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