Acne Vulgaris Treatment Can Be Different For Patients Depending On the Severity of Their Condition


Acne Vulgaris Treatment Market

Retinoids are one of the popular acne vulgaris treatments. It is a drug that controls the production of the bacteria that causes acne. Along with being a great acne treatment, retinoids are effective for people with moderate to severe forms of the disorder. However, they do have some side effects, including teratogenicity and adverse psychiatric effects.

The causes of acne vulgaris vary, and no one single acne vulgaris treatment can be 100 percent effective. Active lesions of acne result from a combination of factors, including excess sebum production, bacterial growth, and sloughing of the keratinocytes. Other contributing factors include hormonal changes, stress, and certain skin care products. Hence, it is important to identify the causes of acne before deciding on the best acne treatment.

First-line treatment for mild acne vulgaris involves topical benzoyl peroxide or a retinoid. Oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline, may be an option as well. Tetracyclines are better than doxycycline, however, are not as effective as the former. Topical antibiotics may also help with mild forms of acne vulgaris. If antibiotics are ineffective, topical dapsone may be an alternative. Herbal and phytochemical formulations are effective in treating acne vulgaris. Studies using these treatments found that they reduced the number of lesions, sebum production, and porphyrins, as well as improved participants' quality of life. Some studies showed that participants treated with these herbal formulations had equal or even superior results to those treated with standard antibiotics. Some studies even showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups.

Antibiotics are an important part of Acne Vulgaris Treatment for moderate to severe cases of acne vulgaris. They are available only through a physician's prescription. Benzoy peroxide, doxycycline, and erythromycin are all good antibiotics for acne vulgaris. However, their dosage depends on the severity of the patient's case and his or her age. So, it is important to get the advice of a dermatologist before beginning treatment with antibiotics. In January 2022, Winlevi, Sun Pharmaceuticals launched the first-in-class topical treatment for acne vulgaris, clascoterone cream 1% in the United States.



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